Monthly payment plan is available.
When signing up mid-year the tuition will be prorated after registration to reflect only the months registered for. Monthly payment stays the same.
Please select the "FFF - 4 Days" tuition option on the next page and select which 4(FOUR) days/week you'd like.
You do not need to select the dates for the full school year, as the days of the week will remain the same.
Changes or cancellations for enrollment require 30 days notice.
Monthly Payment Plan is available.
When signing up mid-year the tuition will be prorated after registration to reflect only the months registered for. Monthly payment stays the same.
Please select the "FFF - 3 Days" tuition option on the next page and select which 3(Three) days/week you'd like.
You do not need to select the dates for the full school year, as the days of the week will remain the same.
Changes or cancellations for enrollment require 30 days notice.
Monthly Payment Plan is available.
When signing up mid-year the tuition will be prorated after registration to reflect only the months registered for. Monthly payment stays the same.
Please select the "FFF - 2 Days" tuition option on the next page and select which 2(TWO) days/week you'd like.
You do not need to select the dates for the full school year, as the days of the week will remain the same.
Changes or cancellations for enrollment require 30 days notice.
Monthly Payment Plan is available.
When signing up mid-year the tuition will be prorated after registration to reflect only the months registered for. Monthly payment stays the same.
Please select the "FFF - Single Drop-In" tuition option on the next page and select which date(s) you'd like.
Changes or cancellations for enrollment require 30 days notice.
After school activities on the farm!If you are registering after the start of the school year, please use the coupon code CASHORCHECK to complete the registration and then we will prorate it for the correct monthly payment.
Please contact Good Pickin Farm if you have any questions.